Dental Surgery

Dental surgery deals with surgical procedures on the mouth, teeth and gums. It is a fundamental discipline for the care and treatment of many dental and gum diseases. Some of the most common and popular procedures include tooth extraction, bone regeneration and implantology.


Tooth Extraction.

The best known and most widespread oral surgery procedure is tooth extraction. There are various causes that lead to this type of operation: a decayed or fractured tooth following a trauma, due to overlapping or impacted teeth or an infected tooth. Obviously tooth extraction is an oral surgery operation that represents the last solution to solve a problem related to the teeth.


Treatment of root canal infections.

Treatment of root canal infections is an important part of endodontic surgery. During this procedure, the dentist removes the infection from the root canal and carefully cleans the infected area. Next, the canal is filled with a sealing material to prevent future infections. Endodontic surgery and the treatment of root canal infections represent an important sector of dental surgery.


Dental Implantology.

Implantology is an oral surgery technique that allows the replacement of a missing tooth through the application of an artificial titanium root (dental implant), directly into the jaw bone. For a better result of the operation, the prosthesis must not be applied immediately after insertion of the implant, but after a period ranging from 3 to 6 months.


Bone Regeneration.

Through bone regeneration it is possible to reconstruct the bone tissue on which the implant is then placed. In practice this technique consists of applying a new bone which, by filling the defect of the lost bone, will form the new bone tissue.

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8:00 - 16:00


8:00 - 16:00


8:00 - 16:00


8:00 - 16:00


8:00 - 16:00


8:00 - 16:00

Infinity Dental is one of the most modern clinics in Albania, for a decade now it has also offered dental tourism, such as a dental practice and dental laboratory.

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